This one man is the single greatest asset in corporate America, which causes Apple stock to trade with a Steve Jobs premium, a variable that the shorts can use as well. 他是美国商界唯一国宝级别的人物,苹果的股价也因乔布斯享受了一定的溢价,但这也是空头可以利用的一个变数。
Article 28 Where a stock is issued at a premium, the issue price shall be discussed and determined between the issuer and the underwriting securities company, and report to the securities regulatory body under the State Council for approval. 第二十八条股票发行采取溢价发行的,其发行价格由发行人与承销的证券公司协商确定,报国务院证券监督管理机构核准。
Purchasing the shares of stock at the premium means that the buying price is beyond the face value. 溢价购买是指以超出股票面值的价格购买股票。
The index, consisting of large companies traded on both stock markets, will be launched this month and indicate the premium or discount at which Shanghai shares are trading compared with Hong Kong shares, with a measurement of 100 indicating there is no price difference. 该指数涵盖了在香港和上海两地股市交易的大型公司,将于本月推出。该指数将显示A股相对于H股的溢价或折价,100表示没有价格差距。
In return, the units convert into stock at a premium of 20 per cent to the reference price, which will be set shortly. 作为回报,这些股权单位将以高出参考价20%的价格转换成股票。
Correlation Mechanism between Stock Market Volatility and the Equity Premium in China's Stock Market 我国股票市场波动和股票溢价之间的关联机制
Applying for shares in a company going public for the first time was hugely exciting: I remember frantically reading prospectuses, trying to work out if a stock might trade at a premium, witnessing roadshows and nervously sending off cheques. 申购首次公开上市的公司的股票非常令人兴奋:我记得,当时我发疯似地阅读招股说明书,试图计算出某只股票是否可能是溢价发行,参加路演并惴惴不安地将支票寄出。
Due to the specification of the acquisition object, information non-transparency, other shareholders normally cannot share stock premium. 由于收购对象特定,信息不透明,其他股东一般无权分享公司的控股权溢价。
This paper summaries the main contents of stock market liquidity premium theory, makes a classified generalization about both of the home and abroad studies, and then analyzes the main problems lying in the current study and the issues that needed further consideration. 通过介绍证券市场流动性溢价理论的主要内容和理论观点,对国内外学者在此领域的主要研究成果进行了分类概括,并简要分析了现有研究存在的主要问题以及需要进一步解决的问题。
The Convertible Company Bond plays positive function for companies in financing with low cost 、 getting high stock premium 、 improving finance structure, etc. 可转换公司债对于公司低成本筹集资金、获取高股票溢价、改善公司的财务结构等方面有着积极的作用。
The difference between the return rate on stock and the return rate on the risk-free securities is equity risk premium Rm-Rf. 股票收益率与无风险债券收益率之间的差被称为股权风险溢价(Rm&Rf)。
Dividend plan is often accompanied by capital stock expansion such as share allocation and capitalization of share premium. 股利分配方案往往伴随着配股,转增资本等股本扩张行为;
Finally, this article draws two conclusions: there is negative relation between the equity premium and the covariance of consumption growth stock returns, therefore the investors must expect higher returns for higher risk premium when the covariance of consumption growth and stock returns is bigger; 最后,本文认为:股票溢价与消费增长、股票收益两者的协方差有正比关系,当消费增长与收益之间的协方差越大时,投资者必然要求更高的收益,得到更高的风险溢价;
From H stock premium to integration of stock price Banking Highlights 从银行H股溢价看股价接轨
The Leveraged Effect of Stock Option Premium 股票期权的杠杆效应
The stock combinations of the smallest firms gain significant premium return and the highest risk-adjusted return ( Sharpe ratio), the small firm effect exist in the Chinese A stock market. 最小规模公司股票组合获得显著的超额收益,且拥有最高的经风险调整后的收益(Sharpe比率),中国A股市场存在小公司效应。
It is formed due to several reasons capital stock premium, present acceptance assets assessment appreciation and foreign currency converting difference, and so on. 它是由资本溢价、股本溢价、接受捐赠、资产评估增值、外币折算差额等原因形成的。
It is found that Beta does not have explanatory power to future stock return over the two different portfolios whether the sign of the risk premium is taken into consideration or not. 在不考虑市场风险溢价符号时,规模对股票收益具有显著的解释能力,规模效应存在。
Based on this model, we try to interpret the abnormal performances of stock prices such as equity premium puzzle, size effect. 通过这一模型,对股权溢价之谜、规模效应等实证金融中的反常现象进行了分析。
Turnovers and Stock Returns: Liquidity Premium or Speculative Bubbles? 换手率与股票收益:流动性溢价还是投机性泡沫?
To solve these problems, we should abolish the premium stock issue system and solve the problems caused by premium stock issue system by subtracting non-premium shares and canceling what have over distributed the dividends. 同时应当采取缩减非溢价股、注销部分已经超额分红的非溢价股等办法,以解决溢价发行制度遗留下来的问题。
The relationship between stock market risk and premium is a popular focus of attention for many years, but the fundamental factor which affect the cost of equity capital of listed companies is a more attention research project recently, in theory, yet there is no uniform knowledge. 其中证券市场的风险收益关系问题是多年来颇受瞩目的焦点问题之一,而影响上市公司权益资本成本的基本面因素则是近四五年更受关注的研究课题,理论上尚没有统一的认识。
Hedgy asset against inflation such as real estate can ask for low risk premium, while assets such as stock that has negative correlation with inflation for high risk premium. 对此方程的分析表明:保值资产(比如房地产等)要求较低的溢价,而与通货膨胀表现出负相关的股票等资产要求较高的溢价。
This means there is a mechanism of M1 affecting the stock markets, that is, by influencing the required unit premium of liquidity ( includes its level and risk) M1 affects the stock price significantly. 这说明货币供给量M1存在一个影响股市的作用机制:货币供给量通过影响投资者对单位流动性(包括水平和风险)的溢价要求而影响股票价格的涨跌。
The risk management system of stock index futures market mainly includes the premium system, the price-limit system, speculative position limit system, and the forced liquidation system. The first two systems most directly influence the routine dealings. 股指期货市场的风险管理制度主要包括保证金制度、涨跌停板制度、投机头寸限仓制度、强行平仓制度等,对于交易者的日常交易活动影响最为直接的是保证金制度和价格涨跌幅限制。
The main risk faced by the security trade comes from illiquidity, which makes market more uncertain and illiquid stock hold high risk premium to attract the investor. 流动性是证券交易面临的重要风险来源,影响市场价格的不确定性,流动性差的股票拥有较高的风险溢价以吸引投资者。
However, many problems still encountered in the course of the study, such as timeliness problem in order for stock portfolio warehouse transfer frequency of stock portfolio problem, and how to grasp the stock index futures premium, which are worthy of further study. 不过,研究过程中依旧碰到不少问题,比如股票组合下单的即时性问题、股票组合的调仓频率以及如何把握股指期货贴水等都是值得进一步深究。
This dissertation is devoted to studying the influence of monetary conditions on stock market liquidity risk and its premium. 本文致力于研究货币状况对股票市场流动性风险及其溢价的影响,论证过程将货币状况、市场流动性风险和股票收益率联系了起来。
Both positive feedback traders and enthusiastic investors, or different opinions on stock prices have significant effect on the IPO premium. 无论是正反馈交易者,还是狂热投资者,又或者是意见分歧都对IPO溢价产生显著影响。
Furthermore, there is a positive relationship between the stock index and the premium of variable annuities. However, there is a negative relationship between the stock index and the premium of interest-sensitive annuities. 2. 此外,股价指数与变额年金保险保费呈现正向关系;但与利率变动型年金保险保费呈现负向关系。